Senin, 17 September 2012

Halal Bihalal Hijabber Community Depok

sunday, 16 september 2012 HC depok events, gatherings disebuah halal restaurant called Saung Sawangan lake area. Halal gatherings are held to strengthen ties between the Muslim depok derby. degan using dresscode flowers, members of the HC depok meets saung lake. They came tepatwaktu. At 09:30 the event was opened by MC kak gia, followed by the introduction of the core board depok HC and HC welcome from depok adviser, deputy mayor of Depok yatu mother Mrs. Farida Elly. After that, followed by a lecture by a religious cleric and hijab scarf tutorial by vania. For participants who can follow the tutorial from vania scarf get a goodie bag containing beautiful scarf. after that, the participants filled out the form open recruitment for the management of HC alone. Kedepanya Acra HC will have a lot more so it needs a new board-board that can help make their own HC activities run smoothly and regularly in the future. I personally choose division event, IT and Documentation. After that, the event continued with lunch and a group photo


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