Jumat, 18 September 2015

Happy Anniversary 5 years

This did not feel already five year that we have spent time together fondly, both joy and sorrow. I hope our relationship is up to the year remains good as this and until we grow old later, we were always together. I hope this wonderful relationship kept until the end of our life.
This special day is a day that is very different from the usual days. do you know dear? if the first time when the date and the same day like today, I kept saying that I love you. Happy anniversary dear, I hope our relationship could be better than last year.
On this day, I really felt my life more beautiful and happy because you have been willing to be a part of this soul mates. I thank you who have shone on my days with the rainbow colors of your love.
Thank you dear, you have to fill this heart chamber with a beautiful love from the heart. During this year, we are still together and I will always ask God that our relationship will be lasting until the end of our life. Happy Anniversary dear
While the candlelight is shining on your face, I'm happy because of we are united in prayers for the day. so, I vow with my lips to spell your heart, oh dear.
You know dear, even when we are far apart now, but on the day of our anniversary, I will pray that God will always take care of you and me for our love. Happy anniversary dear.
Roses are red, violets are blue. I am waiting to listen to what a cute man such as you saying it. Happy anniversary dear.
I hope you always find a reason to smile and I hope I can always be that reason.
I hope in this day, you are always be mine dear. You are the end of my love story and you are the answer of my questions.  Happy aniversay dear.


Rabu, 16 September 2015

After kondangan terbitlah lafar

When Pink Meet Dark Blue

It's Saturday Night.............
Biasanya kalo malem minggu suka jalan, nonton atau sekedar jalan-jalan buat ngilangin stress. Biar nanti pas masuk kerja hari senin udah fresh lagi. Aku mau sekedar berbagi outfit yang simple banget kalo mau dipake buat jalan2 ke mall bareng pacar atau bareng temen2. Krena aku suka bergaya casual, gak ribet dan cepet. Alhasil, aku milih atasan blouse berkerah kancing depan warna biru dan celana zara warna dark blue. Biasanya kalo aku pake setelan ini, aku pake kerudung elzatta dengan aksen bunga kecil2 berwarna biru dengan warna dasar putih. Tapi kali ini aku coba memadupadankan dengan warna pink, dan kalo dialiat0liat ternyata cocok jg.
Aku tambahin dengan kalung warna pink dan tas warna dark blue. Harusnya aku pake sepatu tali warna biru atau sepatu kets warna pink. Karena perginya burru2 akhirnya asal comot sepatu yang ada di rak sepatu. ini sebenernya sepatu kerja yang sering aku main. Dan inilah penampakannya :

Jadi, tips buat kamu yang mau hangout pergi bareng temen atau pacar : pilihlah pakaian yang nyaman, nyerap keringet apalagi kalo perginya siang hari (kan panas tuh...). Kalo perginya malem dan mau nonton, gw saranin bawa jaket karna didalam bioskop dingin banget.
Nah, kalo soal make-up pake yang senatural mungkin. Gak usah medok2, karna kita mau jalan bukan mau jadi lenong. Yang penting pake pelembab, foundation, bedak, lipstik dengan warna nude, alis dan eyeliner.

Bag : @lc_hanbag
Pants : @zarapants
Lipstik & pelembab : @sariayu_mt
Foundation : @wardahbeauty
Jam tangan : @casioid